Popular Chicken 65, crispy on the outside, juicy inside; a perfect appetizer!

Chicken 65, crispy outside, juicy inside - upgraded popcorn chicken bites

Chicken 65 is a popular dish worldwide and found on most Indian restaurant menus.  Its an appetizer that can be made of chicken, fish, potatoes, paneer, cauliflower…etc. The recipe and process is the same, you can change our the main ingredient as per your choice. Small bite size pieces are marinated and then fried and finally a tempering is added.  Chicken 65 is a perfect appetizer and often served at special events.

Many ask why is it named 65, what is the significance? Some say because it has 65 spices, some say because it was created in 1965.  The fact is that it was developed in Chennai in a restaurant called Buhari.  Some say it was the item listed at number 65 and that’s how it got its name.  Well regardless, it is delicious and fairly easy to make.

The original recipe is supposed to be dry like popcorn chicken.  Some have evolved it to be tossed in a sauce at the end like chicken wings.  That is up to you if you prefer it dry or saucy! Also many use red food coloring to give it the quintessential deep color it is known to have.  Many premade mixes include it.  You can omit if you like.

Upgrade your plain boring popcorn chicken bites with this spicy flavorful version.

Makes: 4-5 servings as appetizer

Time: min 1 hour to marinate, 20 mins to cook

Chicken 65, crispy outside, juicy inside - upgraded popcorn chicken bites


  • 2 chicken breast diced into 2″ pieces (skinless, washed and dried) – approx 2 cups of chicken
  • 1/2 cup plain yogurt
  • 1 tbsp Ginger Garlic Paste (adrak lasen)
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tbsp chopped curry leaves
  • 1 tsp black pepper powder
  • 1 tbsp cumin powder
  • 1-2 tbsp red chili powder for color (byedgi chili is mild in spiciness and great for color)
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • 1 tsp Garam Masala
  • Optional: pinch of Red Food Coloring (liquid or powder)
  •  1/2 cup rice flour (corn flour can be substituted)
  •  Oil for frying
For Final tempering/garnish:
  • 1 tbsp oil
  • 6-8 curry leaves
  • 1 tbsp diced garlic
  • 1 whole green chili slit in half


  1. In a bowl mix together the first set of ingredients, everything except the flour. Cover and set aside to marinade. Min 1 hour or up to overnight in the fridge.
  2. In a frying pan, heat up oil on medium. There should be enough oil to cover the chicken.
  3. Using tongs, pick up each piece of chicken and dip it in the rice flour and coat it all the way around. Shake off the excess. 
  4. Gently add each piece into hot oil and fry till colored on all sides. Do not crowd the pan, there should be enough space to have oil all around the chicken pieces. Add multiple on top of each other will make them stick together into a big lump.  
  5. Cook on medium heat to ensure it cooks through, about 12 mins total.  Too low heat will make them soak up excess oil, too high will get it crispy outside but raw inside.
  6. Pull out on tissue paper to drain excess oil. Cut open a piece to ensure it is fully cooked inside, if not fry again a little longer. Smaller boneless pieces will cook faster.
  7. For the garnish, in the same frying pan, add the slit green chili, garlic and curry leaves.  Within 2-3 mins they should be crispy, remove and drain from the oil.
  8. Add the garnish to the chicken.
  9. Serve hot immediately with a wedge of lemon and enjoy!


  • Enjoy immediately while piping hot and crispy.  As they sit, they will get softer. For leftovers, reheat in oven to retain crispiness. 
  • For entertaining you can marinade the day before, leave in fridge overnight.
  • For vegetarians, use the same recipe for cauliflower, potatoes, eggs, paneer.
  • For meat eaters, you can try fish or chicken legs for another variation.

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