An African fried donut-like bread!

Mandazi Mahambri

Mandazi or Mahambri is a bread made in East Africa, popular along the coastline. It’s triangular in shape and fried to a perfect golden brown.  It has a hint of sweetness and spiced with cardamom and fennel.   Yeast makes it puff up when fried and leaves a cavity in the middle, perfect for scooping and filling. Because it uses coconut milk to bind the dough, it is common to find it along the coastal region of East Africa where coconuts are abundant.

It can be enjoyed in multiple ways: with a simple cup of tea, with butter, honey, malai or jam,  or used in place of roti or naan and dipped in curries. Served anytime of the day, although most commonly served for breakfast in the coastal regions.

I have fond memories of visiting my cousins in Malindi, a beach town we visited frequently for vacations. We woke up to a traditional coastal breakfast of Mahambri served with Malai and bharazi (pigeon pea curry). That was a treat!  

For health reasons I am not a big fan of fried foods, however Mahambri is the exception for me. A perfect weekend indulgence and sooo worth the calories.  This is something even picky kids would love: what’s not to like about fried dough!

Time: 8 mins to make the dough, 2 hours to rest the dough, 30 mins to roll and fry

Level of difficulty: Medium

Makes: 24 Mahambri’s

Mandazi Mahambri


  • 2 1/2 cups white all purpose flour
  • 5 tbsp sugar
  • 1 tsp Dry active yeast
  • 1 tbsp fresh or dry desiccated grated coconut (optional)
  • 1/2 cup canned coconut milk
  • 1/2 tbsp whole fennel seeds
  • 1/4 tsp cardamom powder
  • 1/8 cup or less warm water to bind the dough
  • Oil for frying


  1. In a small bowl, mix dry yeast, sugar and warm water to activate the yeast for 5 mins
  2. To make the dough: in a large bowl mix together all the ingredients except for water, mix together till the flour comes together.  A little water at a time until the dough comes together.  Knead the dough for 5 mins till a soft dough is formed, its ok if its a bit sticky.
  3. In a greased bowl, transfer the dough.  Cover with a dish towel (not touching the dough) and leave for 2 -3 hours on the counter or inside the oven or microwave (not on). It will rise and double in size.
  4. After dough rests, it will have risen because of the yeast.  Split the dough into 6 even portions.
  5. Roll out each portion into a 6-7″ circle, approximately 1/4″ thick.  Use dry white flour for dusting to ensure dough does not stick.  Dough will be stretchy like pizza dough. Cut the circle into quarters. So each circle/portion will make 4 Mahambri’s.
  6. Heat oil in a pan on medium high heat. Once oil is hot, then add each piece  to fry.  With a spoon, keep pouring the hot oil on top of the dough to help it puff up. Turn and fry till both sides are light brown.
  7. Pull out on paper towel to absorb the extra oil.
  8. Enjoy while hot!


  • Can store in refrigerator for a week, just reheat in microwave for 10-15 seconds.  Mahambri can also be frozen! Double the batch and save half for next time.

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