Luscious, decadent, smooth and creamy- Instant Shrikhand; simply stir together 3 main ingredients and serve!

Instant Shrikhand, creamy lusciousness

Shrikhand is an Indian dessert which is thick creamy made from yogurt. It can be flavored with mango, saffron, and topped with nuts.  Sweet, tart, fragrant and satisfying for your sweet tooth!  Typically it takes time to make as the yogurt is hung overnight to drain all the liquid, then the thick hung curd is sweetened and flavored.  Now since thick Greek Yogurt is available this can be made instantly, just mix and serve. Because it uses yogurt packed with proteins and probiotics, this is a fairly healthy dessert compared to other mithais loaded with ghee.

The traditional shirkhand has a very thick consistency almost like cream cheese, it is very heavy and filling.  I have added some ingredients to make it lighter and extra creamy and luscious. This is a perfectly easy beginners recipe; there is no cooking involved, just mix and ready to serve in an instant. It actually continues to thicken as it sits in the fridge, making it a perfect dish to make a day ahead.  It should stay good for up to a week (based on expiration dates of ingredients). From the fridge straight to the table, ready to enjoy!

Although it can be devoured by itself, I like to scoop it up with crunchy poori. No need to make poori’s from scratch.  Here is my shortcut: simply take readymade flour tortilla’s (used for soft tacos), cut them up in triangles like a pie and fry them to lightly golden brown.  This is a great shortcut to make poori’s fast. 

Crunchy poori scooping up a dollop of smooth creamy Shrikhand, hmmmmm….. is the perfect heavenly bite! This is a guaranteed crowd pleaser!

Makes: 3 servings 

Time: 2 mins

Level of difficulty: Easiest dessert you ever made!

Instant creamy Shrikhand


  • 1 cup Greek Yogurt (can use vanilla flavored if available, must be Greek yogurt). You can also use thick hung curd.
  • 1 cup sour cream (whole milk)
  • 1 cup sweetened condensed milk (adjust to your sweet tooth)
  • A pinch of Saffron
  • 1/4 tsp cardamom powder (elaichi)
  • Chopped nuts for garnish (almonds and pistachios are traditional)


  1. In a bowl, mix together yogurt, sour cream, condensed milk into a smooth lump free mixture. You can use whisk or blender to make it faster.
  2. Stir in saffron and elaichi.
  3. Transfer to serving bowl (1 large family style or smaller individual bowls)
  4. Top with nuts and enjoy cold!


  • Because it is served cold, its a perfect make ahead option for a dinner gathering. On the day of, from fridge to table and ready to go!
  • For Mango flavor, add 1/2 cup of Mango puree.
  • If you like it thicker, add 1/2 cup of cream cheese. Be sure to blend in properly so there are no lumps.
  • If you like it lighter and airy, add 1 cup of whipped cream (whipped not liquid). Cool whip topping works great.
  • Left overs? No problem. Freeze it for a yummy Kulfi!
  • Check out other such simple basic recipes in the Sweets section

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