A delicious Avocado and Shrimp Cocktail, a perfect appetizer for those special occasions!

Shrimp and Avocado Appetizer

Love salads but looking for a non leafy green version, well this one is for you.  Grilled Shrimp coated in a creamy dressing and served on top of an Avocado half.  As you dig in and scoop up the avocado and topping, you get a perfect bite of shrimp, crunch from the celery, creaminess of the avocado as well as the dressing.  ShrimpCado is perfect for those special occasions for your loved ones.

This is a quick non leafy green salad that’s satisfying and filling. Goes perfectly with a Surf and Turf menu. If you love Shrimp and Avocados, this is the perfect combinations.  Whether its Valentines Day, birthday, anniversary, or any celebration; ShrimpCado can elevate your special dinner.

Growing up I remember eating this at my parents favorite restaurant.  They would order this appetizer, kids would eat up the shrimp topping and leave an empty avocado for the parents to finish! Fun memories, this recipe makes an appearance in our special celebrations. 

Make salads exciting again with this option.

Time: 15 minutes

Level of difficulty: Easy

Servings: 2 servings

Shrimp and Avocado Appetizer


  • 1 Avocado
  • 6 large Shrimps or 12 small ones (cleaned, deveined, tails off)
  • 1/4 cup small diced celery
  • 2 tbsp Old Bay Seasoning

For the Dressing:

  • 1/2 tsp Salt
  • 1/8 tsp Black Pepper (a few grinds)
  • 2 tbsp Mayo
  • 1 tsp Ketchup or hot sauce depending on if you like it slightly sweet or spicy
  • 1 tsp Sour Cream
  • 1 tsp Green Yogurt
  • 1 tsp EVOO (extra virgin olive oil) or butter or ghee as you prefer
  • 1 tsp Lemon or Lime Juice


  1. In a bowl, add oil, Old Bay and toss in the shrimp. Let it sit for 10 mins.
  2. In a pan, ideally cast iron if you have it. Heat it well on high. Once hot add the Shrimps, toss and cook till done. Shrimp cooks very fast, as soon as it turns pink it is cooked- about 5 mins total. Set aside to cool
  3. Dice the shrimp into smaller pieces, save one whole for the garnish.
  4. In a small bowl mix together all the dressing ingredients, ensure no lumps and smooth.
  5. Toss the shrimp and celery with the dressing to ensure all is well coated.
  6. When ready to serve, cut the Avocado in half longways. Remove the pit.  Take a spoon and gently scoop the avocado whole from the shell. Put is back in the shell and dice it without cutting the skin/shell. This helps to make it easier to eat, however completely optional. You can leave the half as is and while eating scoop out the avocado with each bit.
  7. Top the Avocado with the shrimp filling. Add the whole shrimp on top for garnish.
  8. Enjoy!


  • Be sure to cut the avocado just when you are ready to eat so it retains color. 
  • To make ahead you can prepare the filling ahead of time and store in fridge the day before.
  • Leftover filling, no worries – enjoy it with pita chips as a dip.
  • See more exciting options in the Salad section

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